About Me

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I am a second year teacher and loving every minute of it! I have the most adorable and hilarious kiddos. They keep me entertained and I just hope they're learning as much from me as I am from them.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Pictures

There is no rhyme or reason to these next few pictures, but I thought that they were too cute not to share!  I am hoping to get better about taking pictures and actually posting blogs more than once a month when we get our new computers this week! YAY - I just can't begin to tell you how excited I am!!! :) :) :)
Buddy Reading their weekly story

"Scoop and Sort" game to practice regrouping ones to the tens place

Marshmallow Math to show numbers in the hundreds, tens, and ones places

I am ashamed to say that I only have 2 pictures from Valentine's Day activities :(  Below is a picture of one of my sweet students making her "Kiss-A-Gram."  We made kiss-a-grams (look-a-likes to Hershey Kisses) for the special people in our lives.

We made these "love bugs" that hung from the ceiling during the month of February

100th Day Celebrations

In first grade we celebrate the 100th day BIG time!  This year we rotated classes and each teacher was in charge of a different 100th day activity.  I was responsible for Fruit Loop necklaces so these are the only pictures I have, but I know they had lots of fun doing all the different activities!

It was also "hat day" if you couldn't tell :)

Space Fun

In January we finished up our unit on Space and let me tell you...the kids LOVED it!  We learned a lot and had lots of fun along the way.  Below are some of the few pictures I was able to take, enjoy!
We made "bubble" moons.  I think this was the kids favorite activity.  Below is a finished moon:

We also made moon mobiles to learn the different phases of the moon.