This is the view from the door. In 72 hours there will be lots of busy, energetic, and fun children ready to tave over!
These are their "Meet the Teacher" packets with lots and lots of information inside.
This is our reading corner. In the colorful buckets are i-pod shuffle listening centers. Kiddos can also grab a buddy (one of the stuffed animals) to listen to their awesome reading.
This is our back counter, please excuse the "Meet the Teacher" mess all over it. This is where my sweet kids will choose their lunch each day. There is also a "Data Center" that we will update throughout the year.
This spot is where we will post our Math Vocabulary and spend lots of time on the computers. There are also fun math games in the colorful drawers.
This is the writing center. Here my kiddos will have a chance to practice their writing skills each day.
(Again: excuse the "Meet the Teacher" mess!)
On this back wall I will showcase the students work and post reading word wall words. There are also leveled book baskets that the kiddos will shop in each week to pick out their books.
This is my desk
Calendar, Schedule, and Daily Helper board
Our classroom rules so that we can play and learn safely
Our "Hollywood" themed clip chart. I'm sure everyone will always be "On the Red Carpet" this year :)
So that's our classroom this year. I just can't wait to meet my new "firsties" this afternoon!!!
Hi cute classroom set up. Love the writing area. I just found you and am your newest follower. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After